Mental Health Jessica Devon Mental Health Jessica Devon

the Power of Thought in Shaping Our Perception of Beauty

In the end, beauty isn't confined to the confines of a mirror or the pages of a magazine. It's a reflection of the thoughts we nurture, the beliefs we uphold, and the actions we take. By embracing this truth, we unlock a world of beauty that transcends the superficial, inviting us to see ourselves – and others – in a new light.

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Mental Health Jessica Devon Mental Health Jessica Devon

Healing Generational Beauty Trauma: Shifting Mental Health Perspectives on Beauty

Generational trauma stemming from societal messaging about beauty can significantly impact self-esteem and body image, perpetuating negative thought patterns and cognitive distortions. However, with the right tools and mindset shifts, individuals can begin to heal from this trauma and cultivate a healthier relationship with beauty and self-esteem.

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