Pretty Skin Bitch

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Bikini Season: Butt Dimples and All – Let's Dive In!

Bikini season: a time met with excitement by some and apprehension by others. It's a season that can stir a mix of emotions, but here at Pretty Skin Bitch, we believe it's a perfect opportunity to celebrate all body types and embrace a sense of childlike freedom.

Remember dancing by the river, carefree and unbothered by how our bodies looked in our bathing suits? Let's channel that same energy this summer. I've had butt dimples since I was a kid, and guess what? They're still here, and they're not holding me back. Why? Because I don't have eyes on the back of my head. I'm too busy looking forward, taking in the world around me—not fixated on what's behind me.

This season, let’s make a pact to wear whatever makes us feel good. Whether it's a bikini, a one-piece, or a tankini, choose the swimsuit that you feel best in. Let's prioritize how our bodies feel plunging into cool water, how the sun feels on our skin, and how liberating it is to run on the sand, over how we think we're supposed to look.

Summer is for living, not for holding back. Celebrate it by wearing whatever kind of bathing suit you feel like, and do it with the confidence of someone who loves their body unconditionally. Let's not only reclaim the joy of summer but also redefine what bikini season means for us all.