Claiming Your Space: You Belong Everywhere

As an adult woman, the phrase “You don’t belong here” still echoes in my ears from time to time, often delivered by strangers who feel threatened by my presence. I remember those feelings from middle school, wandering the hallways alone, and they continued into high school and college.

My friendships didn’t flourish in the confines of those school settings; they blossomed outside, where the social hierarchy faded away, and genuine connections took precedence.

I’ve always stood out—whether it was my unique style or my height. Apparently, I take up space, and I’m perfectly okay with that. Sure, I’ll be mindful of not blocking someone’s view at a concert, but beyond that, my presence is mine to own.

I belong—everywhere I go. When I show up authentically, guided by love and curiosity, those ignorant words become mere whispers that drift away as I move through life.

Let’s shift the narrative together. Every woman has the right to take up space and feel like she belongs. Let’s celebrate our uniqueness and support each other in the journey of self-acceptance. Because when we stand tall and proud, we pave the way for others to do the same.


The Power of Diverse Friendship Circles


Radiating Confidence in the Face of Judgment