Pretty Skin Bitch

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Rediscovering the Joy of Living in Your Own Skin

Body positivity isn’t just about acceptance; it's a celebration of every body in its natural, unique form. It’s about returning to a time when our bodies were merely vessels that allowed us to explore and engage with the world, not objects to be scrutinized and judged. This shift in perspective is crucial, especially today, as the beauty industry increasingly targets very young girls, teaching them to be overly conscious of their appearances. This messaging is not only unnecessary but also damaging, creating lifelong insecurities that can pervade well into later years. Unlike boys, who are rarely subjected to such intense scrutiny, girls are often taught that their worth is tied to their physical appearance.

The Problem with Beauty Standards

The beauty industry perpetuates a cycle where young girls learn to value how they appear to others over how they feel about themselves. This focus on appearance can detract from the sheer joy of living that comes naturally in childhood. It's fundamentally wrong to teach young girls that their body is something to be judged, which is a stark contrast to the message often given to boys.

Reclaiming Body Positivity

To combat these ingrained notions and reclaim the body positivity of our youth, there are several practices we can reintroduce into our lives:

Mindful Movement: Engage in activities that focus on the pleasure of movement rather than on exercising for aesthetic goals. Dance, hike, swim, or play a sport—reconnect with the joy of moving your body without the pressure of performing or looking a certain way.

Creative Expression: Use arts and crafts, music, or any form of creative expression to connect with your body in a joyful and fulfilling way. Create with your hands, sing at the top of your lungs, or dance around your living room—let your body be your guide to expression.

Playful Exploration: Rediscover activities that brought you happiness in childhood. Whether it’s skipping rope, playing tag, or exploring nature, allow yourself to experience these joys again. These activities can help you appreciate your body for what it can do, rather than how it looks.

Positive Affirmations: Incorporate affirmations into your daily routine that focus on gratitude and love for your body. Celebrate its strengths and acknowledge its beauty, just as it is. This can help shift focus from external appearances to internal appreciation.

Reflective Practices: Spend time reflecting on the messages you've internalized about your body. Meditation, journaling, or simply sitting quietly can help you unpack these beliefs and begin to challenge them.

final thoughts

The journey towards body positivity is about dismantling the harmful standards set by the beauty industry and rediscovering the inherent joy of living in and loving your own body. By embracing activities that focus on pleasure, play, and appreciation, we can start to see our bodies as they once were to us as children: as sources of joy and exploration, not as burdens to be critiqued. Let’s strive to teach the next generation to value their bodies for what they feel, not just what they look like, fostering a healthier, happier perspective that will support them throughout their lives.