holistic living Jessica Devon holistic living Jessica Devon

Alkalinity: The Key to Glowing Skin and a Balanced Life

Have you heard the word “alkaline” tossed around in conversations about health and wellness? What does it really mean for our bodies? At its core, alkalinity is about maintaining a balanced pH level within our body’s ecosystem, helping it function optimally from the inside out. And when it comes to holistic health, understanding alkalinity can be the key to not only clear skin but also mental clarity, better sleep, and a stronger sense of well-being.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Identity, Identity, Identity: How Often Do We Really Live What We Want?

How many of us are really living in alignment with who we know we want to be? Identity is fluid, ever-changing, and sometimes downright confusing. Speaking from experience, I've changed my identity multiple times throughout my life. Different friend circles, relationships, fashion phases, hobbies—all eras that have made me who I am. And just when I think I’ve “figured it out,” life circumstances or an internal shift force me to re-examine what aligns with my core. And here's the thing—it makes sense. From a deeper, maybe astrological perspective, our charts, our stars, our energies are all about cycles, change, and evolution. So why do we struggle so much with this concept of shifting our identities? Are we in the majority for embracing all these shifts, or are we just a minority of “odd balls” daring to try out new ways of living?

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beauty Jessica Devon beauty Jessica Devon

Less is More: Rethinking Your Beauty Routine

There’s been a trend sweeping across social media for the last several years: acquiring as many beauty products as possible. From endless “get ready with me” videos to “shelfies” showcasing carefully curated, photogenic skincare collections, it feels like more is... well, better. But we have to ask ourselves—is all of this really necessary? Are all these products enhancing our health, or are they more about the packaging, the marketing, and the idea that our self-worth can be lined up and labeled in cute bottles?

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Awakening Your Inner Child: Letting Go of Conformity

As we navigate life, many of us slip into a hardened shell, pushing aside our soft, gooey parts—the ones that embrace imperfections and revel in the joy of rainbows. We ignore the parts of ourselves that are unconventional or messy because we’ve been conditioned to believe those qualities are unacceptable. But here’s the truth: it’s never too late to reconnect with that inner child and recreate a version of yourself that feels more aligned with your authentic self.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Navigating Setbacks and Building Resilience: A Guide for Women

Let’s talk about something real—setbacks. You know, those moments when life throws you off your game? Especially when it comes to self-love and self-respect. As women, it’s all too easy to find ourselves falling into the trap of people-pleasing, compromising who we are just to keep the peace or fit in. You might feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of agreeing to everything while silencing your true desires. But here's the thing: it’s time to shift that narrative.

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sisterhood Jessica Devon sisterhood Jessica Devon

Celebrating Kindred Spirits + Authentic Connections

It’s easy to get caught up in labels and definitions when it comes to relationships. However, there's something truly special about the ease and comfort we experience with certain people. These individuals, often referred to as "kindred spirits," evoke a sense of familiarity and acceptance that allows us to be our true selves without the fear of judgment.

The term "kindred spirit" originates from the idea of shared lineage and connection. Historically, "kindred" denotes familial relationships, while "spirit" reflects a shared essence. This bond transcends superficial interactions, creating a deep emotional connection between individuals who resonate on a similar frequency. Kindred spirits often find lifelong connections, adapting to each other's roles in life as they grow.

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self love Jessica Devon self love Jessica Devon

Knowing Your Worth: The Journey of Self-Love

Walking away from relationships that don’t reciprocate your energy isn’t just a choice; it’s an act of self-love. In our quest to understand and nurture ourselves, we begin to recognize the value of our time and energy. We start to appreciate what we bring to the table in our communities and connections, and we realize that we deserve relationships that reflect that worth.

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sisterhood Jessica Devon sisterhood Jessica Devon

The Power of Diverse Friendship Circles

Friendship circles should be a vibrant mix of voices, stories, and experiences, not a monotonous echo of conformity. In our journey through life, the relationships we cultivate can profoundly shape our perspectives and self-worth. Surrounding ourselves with a diverse group of friends allows us to share our stories freely, without the fear of being judged or ostracized. This is what truly fuels a vital friendship group.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Radiating Confidence in the Face of Judgment

Those furrowed brows and pursed lips? They might just be masks that conceal their own curiosity. Yes, it’s true! When people feel threatened or confused by someone who dares to be different, their discomfort can manifest as judgment. So, when you catch someone giving you that look, flip the script in your mind. Instead of internalizing their negativity, remind yourself that their reaction is about them, not you.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

The Price of Attention: Reclaiming Our Inner Child

As we navigated this tumultuous period, the vibrant spirit of our inner child began to dim. The joy of self-expression was overshadowed by the need to conform to expectations that often felt out of reach. In this climate, the natural desire to play, create, and simply be was stifled, replaced by an anxiety over whether we fit into the molds defined by others.

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beauty Jessica Devon beauty Jessica Devon

Unmasking the Predator: The Beauty Industry's Corruption

Throughout generations, the beauty industry has operated as a predator, preying on the insecurities and vulnerabilities of women. With marketing agencies and corporate giants as its enforcers, this system is meticulously designed to cultivate an insatiable appetite for unattainable standards. The message is clear: consume, conform, and strive for an ideal that is as elusive as it is destructive.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Rewrite Your Story: How Shifting Your Narrative Transforms Your Life

When you start exploring the idea that you can change the way you think about yourself and your life, you might face skepticism. Some might label it as being delusional, but in reality, it’s a powerful exercise in self-awareness and intentional living. This process is about critically examining your beliefs and deliberately choosing what you want to believe about yourself, your life, and your interactions with others.

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