personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Identity, Identity, Identity: How Often Do We Really Live What We Want?

How many of us are really living in alignment with who we know we want to be? Identity is fluid, ever-changing, and sometimes downright confusing. Speaking from experience, I've changed my identity multiple times throughout my life. Different friend circles, relationships, fashion phases, hobbies—all eras that have made me who I am. And just when I think I’ve “figured it out,” life circumstances or an internal shift force me to re-examine what aligns with my core. And here's the thing—it makes sense. From a deeper, maybe astrological perspective, our charts, our stars, our energies are all about cycles, change, and evolution. So why do we struggle so much with this concept of shifting our identities? Are we in the majority for embracing all these shifts, or are we just a minority of “odd balls” daring to try out new ways of living?

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Awakening Your Inner Child: Letting Go of Conformity

As we navigate life, many of us slip into a hardened shell, pushing aside our soft, gooey parts—the ones that embrace imperfections and revel in the joy of rainbows. We ignore the parts of ourselves that are unconventional or messy because we’ve been conditioned to believe those qualities are unacceptable. But here’s the truth: it’s never too late to reconnect with that inner child and recreate a version of yourself that feels more aligned with your authentic self.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Navigating Setbacks and Building Resilience: A Guide for Women

Let’s talk about something real—setbacks. You know, those moments when life throws you off your game? Especially when it comes to self-love and self-respect. As women, it’s all too easy to find ourselves falling into the trap of people-pleasing, compromising who we are just to keep the peace or fit in. You might feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of agreeing to everything while silencing your true desires. But here's the thing: it’s time to shift that narrative.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Radiating Confidence in the Face of Judgment

Those furrowed brows and pursed lips? They might just be masks that conceal their own curiosity. Yes, it’s true! When people feel threatened or confused by someone who dares to be different, their discomfort can manifest as judgment. So, when you catch someone giving you that look, flip the script in your mind. Instead of internalizing their negativity, remind yourself that their reaction is about them, not you.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

The Price of Attention: Reclaiming Our Inner Child

As we navigated this tumultuous period, the vibrant spirit of our inner child began to dim. The joy of self-expression was overshadowed by the need to conform to expectations that often felt out of reach. In this climate, the natural desire to play, create, and simply be was stifled, replaced by an anxiety over whether we fit into the molds defined by others.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Rewrite Your Story: How Shifting Your Narrative Transforms Your Life

When you start exploring the idea that you can change the way you think about yourself and your life, you might face skepticism. Some might label it as being delusional, but in reality, it’s a powerful exercise in self-awareness and intentional living. This process is about critically examining your beliefs and deliberately choosing what you want to believe about yourself, your life, and your interactions with others.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Emotional Intelligence: Strategies for Growth

In a recent episode of Huberman Lab, Dr. Marc Brackett shared invaluable insights on emotional intelligence, an essential skill for personal and collective well-being. Emotional intelligence isn't just about managing our feelings; it's about understanding and harnessing them to improve our interactions, self-awareness, and overall quality of life. Dr. Brackett’s RULER model—Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating—provides a robust framework for enhancing our emotional skills. Here's how we can apply these strategies and also navigate negative energy effectively.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

How the Arts Keep Us Connected to our inner child

In the hustle and bustle of adult life, it’s easy to lose touch with the playful spirit and boundless imagination of our inner child. We become consumed by responsibilities, deadlines, and societal expectations, often forgetting the pure joy of creativity and self-expression that once came so naturally to us. Yet, staying in tune with our inner child is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. The arts offer a powerful means to reconnect with this playful essence, allowing us to nurture our creativity and find joy in the simplest of acts.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

A holisitic view of acceptance

- Why do you need people to do what you want them to do? Or believe as you believe, or use the same language that you use?

- How does the tension make you feel? How do you manage your discomfort?

- How am I resisting change by clinging to my fears?

- What, if anything, about the idea of unconditional acceptance frightens you?

- How are you preparing a home of unconditional acceptance for yourself?

These questions encourage us to examine our expectations, fears, and resistance to change. They challenge us to consider how we can create spaces of acceptance and warmth for ourselves and others.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Terra Incognita: Beyond the Known

Venturing into the unknown can be daunting, but it's also where the greatest growth occurs. Terra incognita in our personal journeys can involve exploring new hobbies, adopting new philosophies, or even reevaluating long-held beliefs. Each step into the unknown is a step towards discovering more about ourselves and what we're capable of achieving.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

The Persona and the Feminine Experience

Jung’s concept of the persona provides a valuable framework for understanding how societal standards shape women’s identities and experiences. The pressure to conform can lead to the development of personas that may not fully reflect a woman’s true self, resulting in a loss of authenticity and psychological strain. However, through the process of individuation and the collective efforts of feminist movements, women can reclaim their authenticity, challenge restrictive norms, and develop personas that align more closely with their true selves.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Words unleashed for a bold new identity

In the Pretty Skin Bitch community, we're turning language on its head, transforming words that were once meant to marginalize into powerful declarations of our unique identities. Here, even the word "bitch" becomes a badge of honor—a fearless proclamation of strength, independence, and assertiveness. Let’s delve deeper into how "feral" and "rejected," alongside "bitch," are being redefined to celebrate our individuality and resilience.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Living Authentically: Discovering a Path to Personal Fulfillment

Martha Beck's philosophy provides a roadmap for anyone looking to forge a deeper connection with themselves and lead a more intentional life. By understanding her background, embracing her tools, and gradually applying these principles, you can start to experience days filled with more joy, purpose, and authenticity. At Pretty Skin Bitch, we resonate with Beck’s approach as it aligns with our ethos of living true to oneself and celebrating each individual’s unique journey.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Power Poses and Self-Esteem: Harnessing Body Language to Build Confidence

Understanding and harnessing the power of body language is transformative, especially when navigating high-pressure situations like academic tests, job interviews, or simply making new friends. At Pretty Skin Bitch, we emphasize the significance of physical presence, which plays a crucial role in building self-esteem and shaping perceptions. Adopting power poses, which are open and expansive postures, can significantly boost your confidence and positively impact how others see you, enhancing both personal and professional interactions.

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personal growth Jessica Devon personal growth Jessica Devon

Mastering Your Mindset with Transformative Thought Work

Exploring the power of thought work reveals just how much control we can exert over our experiences and outcomes in life. Understanding that thoughts are optional, and harnessing the ability to observe and change them, is a cornerstone of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and methods popularized by figures like Tony Robbins and Byron Katie. Here are some practical exercises inspired by these approaches that can help reshape your thinking patterns and, by extension, your beliefs and actions.

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